Gasoline stains on car paint not only look unsightly but also predispose the car to paint damage. When you accidentally overfill your gas tank, gasoline can spill and land on the paint.
Gasoline acts as a stripping agent or a degreaser. Its corrosive nature eats through the clear coat finish, causes paint discoloration, and leaves ugly spots on your car. Moreover, if you overfill your tank on a regular basis, the damage to your paint will be more and more noticeable.
Therefore, when gas drips occur, removing it from the car paint as quickly as possible is essential. The sooner you clean it, the easier it will be to remove the stains without ruining the car paint. If that doesn’t happen, the gasoline will evaporate and leave behind dark and unsightly spots.
5 Effective Methods To Remove Gasoline Stain From Car Paint
To remove gasoline stain from car paint, you need to have the right products at hand. We have scoured the market and put together a roundup of products that you can use to remove gas drips in the comfort of your home.
These products are readily available at home, in the local shop near you, or online. Besides, they are safe to use on any car paint, regardless of the color. So, here is a list of the products to use to clean gasoline off car paint.
Method 1: Dishwashing Detergent
Our first product recommendation for cleaning gasoline off car paint is dishwashing detergent. This product is readily available in most homes for use in the kitchen. If you don’t have one, you can easily buy one from the nearby shop.
Dishwasher detergents are generally strongly alkaline and are effective for cleaning gasoline off car paint, but we highly recommend Dawn liquid dishwashing detergent. It is a bulk degreaser that removes grease, oils, and stubborn stains from a wide range of products.
When used to clean gasoline off car paint, it offers a high-surfactant formula that seeks out the gasoline stain and the contaminants it has attracted, cuts through it, and lifts it out of the paint for easy removal.
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Steps to Use
- Prepare the car for gas drip removal by cleaning it and drying it.
- Mix the Dawn liquid dishwashing detergent in a clean bowl with water in equal proportions.
- Soak a clean cloth with the solution and begin to clean the gasoline stain.
- Rub the cloth on the stain gently in a circular motion until all the stains are gone.
- If you are dealing with fresh gasoline stains on car paint, they will come out with ease.
- On the other hand, old stains might be more stubborn to remove, and you might have to repeat the rubbing a couple of times.
- Finally, once all stains are gone, rinse the car and wipe it dry. Wax the area if needed.
Method 2: Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover
- EASY SCRATCH and SWIRL REPAIR – If your car has light scratches, swirls, or other marks – you can…
If the gasoline stains on your car are too stubborn to come out with the dishwashing detergent, try using the Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover. This is a gentle cleaner that is safe to use on any car paint without causing any damage to the clear coat finish.
Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover is specially formulated with a compound that enables gentle removal of stubborn stains on car including gas drips.
It softens the stain and its contaminants for easy removal during cleanup. Furthermore, the premium chemicals it is made with ensure that it does not damage the paint after use.
Steps to Follow
- Clean the car to remove dust, dirt, grease, and other contaminants. Rinse it thoroughly with running water and dry it fully.
- Apply the Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover with a clean and soft cloth.
- Rub the cloth gently until the Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover penetrate the stained area fully.
- Wipe down the residue with another cloth and inspect for any left stains.
- If all the gasoline stains don’t come out, repeat the process again, this time using a more significant amount of Carfidant Scratch and Swirl Remover.
- Once all the gasoline stains are removed, use a wet microfiber towel to clean the residue left. Wax the area if necessary.
Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol
- Pure & Unadulterated Alcohol – Made from the highest grade, 99% pure isopropyl alcohol. High purity…
Isopropyl alcohol is another product you can use to clean gasoline off car paint. It is the best choice if you are dealing with old gasoline stains that are hard to remove from the car paint.
Gasoline is an oil-based product, so we highly recommend you use ForPro 99% Isopropyl Alcohol, which is the ultimate solution for cleaning oily stains. It is made with pure Isopropyl alcohol, which constitutes 99% of its formulation.
This alcohol weakens the oil bonds and makes cleaning quick and hassle-free. It also breaks the bonds of any other contaminants gasoline attracts. Even better, it is safe to use on any car paint as long as you rinse it with clean water as soon as you are done.
Steps to Follow
- Before you begin, wash and rinse the area you are working on to remove as much dust and contaminants as possible and dry the vehicle.
- Saturate the stain with a cloth soaked in Isopropyl alcohol.
- Wait for 1 or 2 minutes for the alcohol to penetrate the stain fully. For stubborn gas stains, let the alcohol sit and penetrate the stain for a couple of minutes.
- Using a wet cloth, clean the residue left and inspect for any imperfections.
- If the gasoline stain still remains, repeat the process once more.
- After all the gasoline stains are removed, rinse the car with running water and let it dry. Wax the area if necessary.
Method 4: Baking Soda
To remove dried gasoline stains from car paint, use baking soda. Baking soda is easy to find in most homes. If it is not readily available in your home, you can get the Arm and Hammer Baking Soda, as it also has odor-elimination properties.
Baking Soda is an abrasive substance. It is, therefore, important to exercise proper caution when you use it to clean gasoline off car paint. When applied to the gasoline stain, it will help lift and absorb it together with any other contaminants. And when it is used cautiously, it will not damage the paint.
- Absorbs and deodorizes odors in closets, under sinks or in any enclosed space
Steps to Follow
- Start by washing and rinsing the area you are working on and let the paint dry.
- Prepare a baking soda paste with water. The paste should be viscous and thick, like tooth paste.
- Use a brush or a clean cloth to apply the baking soda paste on the stain.
- Rub it gently all over the stain in circular motions. By being gentle, you alleviate the risk of damaging the paint and leaving behind scratches.
- Once the paste has dried fully, peel it out using a plastic scraper. As it comes out, it should lift the stain and come out with it.
- After all the gasoline stains are gone, rinse the paint with water and dry it with a towel.
- Finish by waxing the part you have been working on to maintain the glossy finish.
Method 5: WD-40
WD-40 is another multi-purpose product that can be used to clean gasoline off car paint. It is specially formulated to remove grease, grime, gunk, gum, tar, sap, sticker residue, and gasoline stains from car paint without damaging the paint.
When you apply the WD-40 Original Formula to the part of the paint that is stained by gasoline, it weakens the bonds and makes the stain easy to remove. Furthermore, this product lifts the stain together with any other contaminants that might have settled on it.
- DRIVES OUT MOISTURE: Drives out moisture and quickly dries out electrical systems to eliminate…
Steps to Follow
- Start by cleaning the stained part of the paint. Cleaning removes dirt, dust, and contaminants that can alter the performance of the WD-40 Original Formula.
- After cleaning and drying the paint, apply the WD-40 Original Formula. You can spray it directly on the stained part or use a cloth.
- Rub the WD-40 Original Formula gently on the stained part until it penetrates fully. Let it sit for a few minutes, then use another piece of cloth to remove it.
- As you scrub the WD-40 Original Formula off the paint, it will come out together with the gasoline stain.
- Inspect for any stain left and repeat the process if necessary.
- After that, use a wet microfiber towel to remove any remaining residue. Wax the area if necessary.
Understanding Why and How Gasoline Ruins Car Paint
Now that we have gone through the five simple yet effective methods of removing gasoline stains from car paint, it is also prudent to understand how gasoline can ruin car paint.
Gasoline’s chemical composition poses a significant threat to the integrity of the paint surface, causing deterioration, discoloration, and even permanent damage if not promptly addressed.
Let’s explore the ways in which gasoline can harm car paint and how to prevent or mitigate its detrimental effects.
1. Corrosion
The chemical composition of gasoline is highly corrosive. When it lands on the paint, it can eat up the protective clear coat and damage the paint as well.
This is particularly the case if the gasoline is not cleaned as quickly as possible. With excessive corrosion, the paint will attract all sorts of impurities and start to rust.
2. Color and Gloss Loss
If you are dealing with excessive gasoline on car paint, the paint will start losing its color and gloss sooner or later. Gasoline is a powerful solvent, and with prolonged exposure, it dissolves and softens the top coat.
Furthermore, gasoline that is left to evaporate on car paint often makes the paint look discolored and dull.
3. Staining
When gasoline spills on car paint are not cleaned up promptly, they leave behind unsightly stains. These stains are particularly noticeable on light-colored cars. Over time, dirt, dust, and other contaminants will attract and settle on the stain, making it more unsightly.
4. Surface Damage
Prolonged car exposure to gasoline spills can cause irreparable damage to both the paintwork and the framework. When gasoline eats up the protective clear coat, it damages the other paint layers.
Over time, the mixture of hydrocarbons (a typical gasoline mixture containing about 150 different hydrocarbons) and other chemical compounds reach the car’s metal body, initiating corrosion that causes rust and other damages.
Preventing gasoline spills when refilling your car is the first step in protecting the paint from damage. Moreover, regular wax and sealant application provides an extra layer of protection from gasoline whenever a spill occurs.
If you are having a hard time cleaning gas spills off your car paint, the five products we have mentioned above should come as an aid for this type of cleaning.
Determine the nature of the gasoline stains you are dealing with and opt for the product that will work best for you.
Last update on 2025-01-12 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
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